Azienda Ospedaliera di Verona – New oncological unit
To renew a unit of Azienda Ospedaliera in Verona we've chose to use the combination of SH wall sheets and bumper handrail BH.140. Bumper handrail BH.140 in this case avoid the impact on the wall of patient's beds, also distancing them from protruding sockets. This shows Styla's product flexibility, as they can
Fire reaction: a clarifications
Fire reaction normative is one of the most relevant norms in wall protection sector, but what are the exact significance of the acronyms indicated on products? A clarification First, there're two norms, the Italian norm and the EU norm: The Italian norm (D.M. 26/06/1984) provides a class division, from 1 (incombustible materials)